Sunday, June 29, 2008

Platinum Tidal Hydrogen Electric Bridge Research and Development Construction Kaipara Harbor New Zealand

To the potential Investor and the public domain

30th June 2008

You will find more information on the Platinum Tidal Hydrogen Electric Bridge concept photos on my website and on which will direct you to which is a photo sharing site that I am using to form relationship groups with like minded Engineers individuals such as myself and other normal citizens of all cultures ethnic religions share ideas and technology new innovations for clean sustainable Tidal Energy in the Kaipara Harbor North West of Auckland New Zealand to attract a support group and also to share protected copyrights information photographs and because the Platinum Tidal Electric Turbine is relatively new in its projection proposal plans then it was best to get a better prospective from the judges of these ideas from the public domain I am but a fan of Tesla when it comes to energy none more than pure magnetism’s from an indigenous Maori point of view Our ancestors already possessed much of this information at least on this native land of Aotearoa New Zealand long before anyone settled here and I make this clear that this project wont succeed without the consent of the people even though it has an indigenous content that is tantamount to why the proposed project is portrayed in this way Ultimately the publics perception is a matter of fact crucial to its success or failure and not mine I say in all honesty that this is the best for all that you can at least consider this option when it comes down to plain common sense logic feasible ideas applied to a panic manic situation of blackout power shortages for want of more renewable bulk enery such as the Marine Tidal Power that we are prosing to harness right away There needn’t be a dependency on other renewable or existing energy in this case Tidal energy is huge staring you right in the face clean calculated and strong so why all the hype of the media and carbon credits frightening people when the power of the tide can hold all the answers we believe is a fact? Unbelievable just sit on the rocks when the tide smashed into the crevices into a geyser should be enough to convince you and swim in a tide that’s moving through the Kaipara Harbor mouth and you will realize only then that power is there if you can only work out how to get it And so Platinum is a realistic project of self visionary determination and common sense waiting for some potential enthusiasts who are like minded enough to make it happen with us I must say that plans are underway to attract shareholding into the project not forgetting that it is a virgin idea in the making waiting to expand and with company’s such as New Zealand Company’s Contact Energy Vector and TRANSPOWER looking into the concept then any power is got to be good power from whatever source of energy we can get it from proven or otherwise open to discretion of investment offshore such as EADS, European Commission, Google, Microsoft, Airbus Western European Hydrogen, Praxair Hydrogen USA Reaction Engines and British LAPCAT A2 and EADS UK and many others envisaged I say that the New Zealand Power Company’s the Mayor of Auckland Price Watehouse Coopers the Maori Party Co Leader Tariana Turia and others who are supportive of Platinum’s potential Tidal Project ideals not skeptical but feasible And so Price Waterhouse Coopers think there is some merit in the concept when I say there is a whole heap of it still is convincing enough for them to write to me endorsing that fact I can assure you I have done my homework if they have assessed the prospect as did EECA New Zealand Government Marine Tidal Energy Funding which Platinum entered with a considered application and did not succeed because of lack of an investor and no solid agreement with these Power Company’s that we only hold Testimonials of their interest in the power supply and connections to the Platinum Tidal Energy Power source Still the potential of tidal energy is huge and so if you think that this is the way to go then your comment is very much appreciated and I don’t mind any objections are very welcome if you have a corresponding solution then attach that too with your comment I am yet to fit in a 375 page report on the Platinum Tidal Hydrogen Electric Project as well as the Moriori History of New Zealand and the real Title of this Native Land Aotearoa put to rest and move on from here no disturbance to the people but a slight correction to the history

That’s all for now

John Wanoa